About fifteen years ago the situation in Indonesia was totally different comparing to the current situation, where at that time Indonesia stricken by the economic crisis for the first time in its history. All of the nation’s stakeholders had no power to withstand the brunt of crisis. The economic crisis at that time was like a tsunami that hit all the fundamental sectors in Indonesian economy. The state’s finances even could not help the country to escape from the crisis. The exchange rate of our currency, Rupiah against American dollar was even listed as the worst in the history. Rupiah at that time dropped to the lowest point, five times lower from its standard rate. From the standard rate for Rupiah was around Rp 2500 per one American dollar and when economic crisis hit Indonesia, it increased up to Rp 11.000 per one American dollar. I remember at that time, my father used to subscribe National Geographic magazines for me and my sister. Every month we always got the new edition of that magazine which was posted directly from US. But, when  crisis start coming, he stopped the subscription.

Proposed design for N-2130 by IPTN before the company shut down

   The economic crisis in 1997 had led Indonesia to sign a debt loan agreement with the international financial institution, named IMF to rescue the state's economy. As mentioned in proverb "Sudah jatuh, tertimpa tangga pula" or in English proverb "Sorrows come in batallions", to get a debt loan from IMF, there were several terms and conditions that must be agreed and done by our government. One of them was shutting down the aerospace industry of IPTN (Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara = National Aeroplane Idustry). It was unfortunate to shut down IPTN, because two years before crisis this industry had successfuly managed to fly the first airplane made 100% by the sons and daughters of Indonesia. If we traced back to the history, how hard and difficult, our former President, BJ Habibie to realize his greatest dream, to make "truk terbang" (in english literally flying truck to intepret an airplane) for his nation, Indonesia. Even he also had proposed to make another big airplance for commercial used, which N-2130 a proposed commercial airplane for more than 100 passangers. But again, this proposal must be shut down due to crisis and also afraid from the competitors, Airbus and Boeing.

   Well, fifteen years has past. Today my country, Indonesia is more developing than before. The state's economy is already stable and in 2006 Indonesia had paid back all her debt to IMF. Even now my Indonesia is enjoying her status in G20 (top 20 major economy's countries in the world), along with others major economy country. The others region in Indonesia are now being focused by our government, not only focus in Java island. The infrastructure is the main focus by our government to be developed, such as road, highway, airport, seaport and so on. A new international airport in Medan, North Sumatra has been built to be the main gate for western Indonesia and competed as the regional hub with its neighbor airport, KLIA, Changi and Shuvarnabhumi. Moreover, several old airports in main cities are now under construction to make them bigger and more convenient for the passengers. Some tenders for highway development in Java and Sumatra have been offered to public and some of them are under construction. 

New airport in Medan, North Sumatra - Kualanamu International Airport

New Terminal 3, Soekarno Hatta International Airport - Jakarta

Sepinggan International Airport, Balikpapan, Borneo - Under renovation
New look on Ngurah Rai International Airport - Bali Island

   The good news also come from some national state-owned or private company. Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, PT DI and PT LAPAN are some examples of companies which success in their business. Garuda Indonesia, the state-owned airplane has made big improvement in their business. Quantum Leap as their vision to success has led the company as the best economy class airline in the world awarded by Skytrax for this year. This company also has signed the agreement to buy around 60 aircraft from Airbus, Boeing and ATR to grow up their fleet. Another shocking news even come from national private company, Lion Air. They have signed new agreement to purchase more than 200 aircrafts from Airbus and another 200 aircrafts from Airbus. They also signed an agreement to purchase about 100 aircraft from national airplane indutry PT DI (Dirgantara Indonesia = Indonesian Aerospace Industry). What a huge numbers. They also expand their business as low cost carrier to neighbor countries, such as Malaysia and Thailand by opening their subsidiary, Malindo and Thai Lion Air. They will be competitor for AirAsia. After shutting down during economic crisis, now IPTN come with their new name PT DI (Dirgantara Indonesia) and will make shock the world by their first commercial aircraft for public soon, named R-80. Those only some examples that will show to the world that Indonesia is now ready to compete with other nation. It is time to wake, Indonesia and chase your better future for your son and daugther. 

Toll road over the sea - Bali island

Rocket RX-550 made by LAPAN with range over 300 km.

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