Writing the first article for this new year 2014. Been so long after my last posting on last year about my travelling. 2013 has left and been turned by 2014. It is actually the matter of number, but for some people it will effect for the new hope in their life. For me, the celebration on the turn of the year is actually not necessary and even I do not care about it. But for the new year this time, since my friends asked me to go together with them to celebrate new year, well I said yes.

     We planned to spend two days in KL for the new year celebration and shopping some stuffs since there were a lot of discounts in almost every department stores in KL for end of the year. Unlike others people who spent their new year on the crowd, this time we planned to spend ours in the best fine dinning restaurant in KL. Since, I know more better KL than others, I made a plan for the restaurant and let the others chose for the final decision. I've got the list for the best fine dining restaurants in KL and finally we decided to spend our time in Bosphorus Turkish Restaurant.

With the owner of restaurant, Mr. Ismail

     The restaurant is located exactly inside the Pavillion shopping complex in Bukit Bintang district. This restaurant serves various of turkish dishes and beverages. Designed the specific turkish ornament and carpet, the atmosphere of Istanbul has welcomed us since we entered the restaurant. The owner of this restaurant, Mr. Ismail, directly welcomed us and said a welcome word in Turkish "Hosgeldiniz" and since the rest of my friends are from Turkmenistan and they all know Turkish, so they easily befriended with the owner. He provided us one place for five people and arranged everything for the table.

    The smell of Turkish foods and beverages can be smelled from the smoked of the kitchen. The menu's book were ready to tell us the best turkish food and beverages to be served for us. All of the menus are totally Turkish main course with a nice performance on the serving. The prices are also so affordable for us. So, each of is started to choose the menu. For the drinks, we all chose "ayran", the turkish traditional drink made from yoghurt and taste so salty. It was my second time to taste ayran, but I still did not like the taste. Waiting for our menu served, the owner of restaurant, Mr. Ismail, came to bring us a welcome food. I was telling him that we did not order this food but he said that it was a complementary food for welcome a guest. Well, I noticed, that food was only given to us, not to other guests. It was a turkish traditional bread served with its sauce, hummus. It was a nice opening appetizer for us while waiting for our main course.

Mahlzeit, Alle!!!

   After 10 minutes waiting, one by one of our menus came and served with nice performance. Three of us ordered Iskandar Kebab, they said it is the most delicious turkish kebab served with marinated lamb kebab and turkish bread with tomato ketchup and turkish sauce. The price for one portion of Iskandar Kebab is around RM 48 (US$ 14.64).

Iskandar Kebab
     Because three of us have ordered Iskandar Kebab, so I chose another menu of Kebab and perhaps it would taste delicious also. I decided to choose Beyti Kebab, another turkish kebab served with a marinated lamb kebab with cheese and rolled in turkish traditional beef. The price for one portion of Beyti Kebab is around RM 48 (US$ 14.64).

Beyti Kebab

      One of my friend ordered different menu also, he chose the most famous turkish kebab, which is Adana Kebab. It is a marinated lamb kebab served with rice and french fries. One set of Adana kebab costs around RM 39 (US$ 11.85).

Adana Kebab

         Not enough with one set of Iskandar Kebab, one of my friend ordered an additional food, he chose one of turkish traditional pizza. Well, the pizza was so different in serving, It had a thin and crunchy bread and served with a turkish traditional sauce. For this pizza costs around RM 30 (US$ 9.12).

Turkish pizza

         Well, the menus were eye-catching for us, because they served with very nice performance in the serving. So, my friend and I agreed to add another dish, which is Lavas. It is a turkish traditional bread, served in fluppy form. It costs only RM 6 (US$ 1.82).


        When all of our menus were served, time for us to taste them. Absolutely all of the menus were perfectly served and the taste also were so delicious and they were worth with their price. Finish, with our main course, we ordered the turkish tea along with two set of Baklava, the turkish sweets. One set of Baklave costed around RM 18 (US$ 5.47).


      Well, it was really a good new year celebration, spent the night at the best turksih fine dining restaurant in KL. Thanks also for Mr. Ismail for giving us 20% discount for our meal. If you accidentally are in Pavillion, do not forget to come by to the Bosphorus Turkish Restaurant, it is located in the 6th floor and try the delicious of turkish meal there. Happy New Year 2014.

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