The city of Istanbul stands on two continents, Europe and Asian. However, it has many attractions only in European side that make some tourists never leave and think to step out to another side on the Asia's one. It seems so irony, since the distance between the two sides are not so far and just separated by Bosphorus strait as well as the journey to the Asia's side only takes 20 minutes journey by ferry from any ferry terminals in European side such as Eminonu, Sirkeci, Karakoy, Beshiktas and others. Additionally, the view from Asian side just offers a glimpse of many resident buildings compared to the European side, where it shows off the doomed and minaret-studded city skyline to offer a great view of a dazzling Istanbul. Guided by two of my friends, they offered me to explore another side of Istanbul in Asian part.

    Crossing Bosphorus strait, the famous strait that separate two continents, just take about 20 minutes and it will give truly unforgettable moment with some extremely beautiful scenery and incredible things. The panorama surrounding is extremely beautiful, even it could not be described by words. It is worth to taste the traditional Turkish tea along with enjoying the panorama of Bosporus strait. Once the ship docked, you welcome in Asia. 

       The view of Asia part in Kadikoy is completely different to European side. This side remains a beguilling mix of Istanbul's multiculturalism, complete with bazaars, Orthodox churches, Turkish mosques, and the chic trapping of contemporary gentrification. Like in every parts of Istanbul, the gentrification is rife here also, it has enjoyed a decade-long boom.

    I can say, the Asian part of Istanbul as the heart of the city and it is also still young, so the atmosphere there is completely different compared to European side. There is one unique statue that you can catch once you step out from the sea port. My friend said it is the landmark of this area and I was so curious how it looked alike. It is actually a bull statue, but it has become one of tourist attraction on that area. 

      If you are a food hunter, then you must come to this area. Kadikoy food market is the city's largest food market, it is trully a foodie heaven and as quintessentially Istanbullu as the Grand Bazaar in the European side, yet with less tourists. 

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