After discussing with my friend, I decided to go alone to Tashkorgan, a small tajik city nearby the border of China - Tajikistan. Why did I choose to go there? It was not Tashkorgan as my final destination, but the panorama along the Karakoram Highway was my target. My friend told me, along the highway, your eyes would be entertained by the beauty of mother nature, where you could see the high snow-capped mountain of Pamir range.

For this trip, I had plan to take bus from Kashgar to Tashkorgan. But due to I woke up late, I took the minibus. It was not only me who wanted to go to Tashkorgan, there were at least 7 people inside. Our journey took 7 - 8 hours and it costed around CNY 100.

The Uyghurs welcomed me to enter their shop
An uyghur lady prepares for he shop to open

We stopped awhile in small town of Kizilsu to buy some food and fruits. Suddenly, the driver took me enter to one of his acquaintance. Inside, there were three lady prepared to open their shops. One of them thought that I am from Pakistan. But they were shocked when knowing that I am from Indonesia, especially when knowing I am a Muslim too. They offered me some food to eat, but I could not resist to refuse it. Anyway, we were not talking in Mandarin, but in Uyghur.

How did I understand Uyghur? I dont Understand Uyghur at all, but as I know a little bit Turkish and Turkmen (I have lot of Turkmen friend), so it is not difficult to use some word to communicate with them.

After 30 minutes, our journey started over. Along the journey, my eyes were totally amazed by all the beauty of mother nature. God is Great!

Kyzyl Tagh or Red Mountain

Ooh! I want hike this mountain...
Who let the sheeps out?
Where is our shepherd?
The beauty of Mother Nature

Let me make a selfie! Cheese!

A public toilet
The longest tunnel in Karakoram Highway

There are at least for check-point of security along the journey, starting from the city border of Kashgar. In each border, we all need to get out from the minibus and have to scanned our passport.

Snow capped mountain of Pamir range
Kyrgyz Yurt, most of people living here is from Kyrgyz ethnics

Karakul lake with Pamir range on the background

 After 6 - 7 hours journey, we stopped a while in nearby Karakul Lake, the driver just gave me 10 minutes to have moment in this beautiful place. I didnt waste much time, I ran from the car and as many as possible I tried to captured all the moment in this place.

Mustagh Ata, the second highest peak on Pamir  mountain range

Snow capped mountain of Pamir range as background

Other part of Karakul Lake is freezing

Karakul Lake

The place is too beautiful, it is like God gave a piece of paradise into this world for human to realize that how Great He is! God is Great!

I could not say anything, being there was so peaceful....
Karakul Lake surrounding by extreme environment, one side is covered by snow mountain another part is covered by dessert

Karakul Lake surrounding by extreme environment, one side is covered by snow mountain another part is covered by dessert
A snow capped peak of Pamir mountain
Our road is between Pamir mountain

What amazing roadtrip!

Pamir scenic tourist spot

Pamir scenic tourist spot

After 10 minutes, I went back to car and we continued our journey to small town, Tashkorgan.

Tips to Karakul Lake:

  1. If you want to travel to Karakul Lake, you better go in group, so you can rent taxi and it will cost you cheaper.
  2. If you want to go solo as I did, you can take bus from Tashkorgan bus station in Kashgar, the bus only depart once a day at 10 o'clock local time. If you miss it, you can take minibus.
  3. Do not forget to bring thick clothes or jacket, because the temperature around the lake could drop drastically due to location around the highest mountain range.

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